Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Solutions
Unplanned disruptions – cyberattacks, natural disasters or human error – can put your business-critical workloads in jeopardy. You also need to protect these assets against “planned disruptions” that can occur as your business grows – whether from mergers and acquisitions, data center consolidation, or routine system maintenance and upgrades. Since downtime is never an option, consider disaster recovery services from Enzu.
Be Ready for The Unexpected with Enzu’s DRaaS Solutions
Choose from range of solutions that protect your data, your workloads or your complete computing environment.
Need to keep your proprietary business data safe?
Use Enzu’s Off-site Continuous Data Protection
Safeguard your data with real-time replication to our data storage network. Simply click to restore.
Got critical IT workloads that can’t go down?
Get Enzu’s On-demand Disaster Recovery in the Cloud.
Duplicate your most critical applications or servers in our cloud. Activate production mode on-demand.
Do all your IT systems need to work no matter what?
Choose Enzu’s Dedicated Disaster Recovery Data Center.
Guarantee 100% uptime with failover of your environment to a replicated data center in our off-site facility.
Get Back to Business Fast
We can replicate your data and applications with failover and failback capabilities to bring your systems back online to meet your:
- Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) – how long you can be without access to critical workloads
- Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) – how much data loss your business can tolerate
The Enzu Customer Portal makes data restores simple while providing you detailed reports on backup and recovery activities.And, we stand by our performance with the industry’s tightest SLAs.
Off-site Continuous Data Protection
True continuous data protection (CDP) replicates data in real-time with no time interval between backups, so the latest version of critical data – as well as any previous versions — is available for restoration. This is ideal if you have strict RPOs.
Employing CDP at our off-site facility gives you extra data protection since breaches, hardware failure, or other disasters may damage local backups. Protected data is sent over an encrypted tunnel to our off-site storage network.
- Real-time data backup into our secure facility
- Use of encrypted tunnel to transport data into the storage network
- Click to restore data and images
- Ideal for strict RPOs
Choose Enzu’s Off-site Continuous Data Protection solutions if you want to keep your data secure.
On-demand Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
Our Disaster Recovery in the Cloud solution replicates your data in real-time to a secondary deployment of your application and/or server in our cloud. To activate, you simply repoint user access to the application or server running in our cloud. There’s no waiting for data backups to be restored or failover to a physical server in a remote location; you’re operating business as usual in minutes.
DR in the Cloud is ideal if you’ve got specific applications or servers that just can’t go down, such as e-commerce sites or other financial systems. Compared to using physical backup, DR in the Cloud is highly scalable. As your organization grows, so can your recovery systems. All you need to do is extend your service plan to get additional resources.
- Real-time data synchronization
- Uses a direct connection or encrypted tunnel to extend your infrastructure into our data center
- Click to bring specific applications or servers online in the cloud
- Sized to activate only mission-critical workloads on demand
- Ideal for strict RPOs and RTOs on specific workloads
Choose Enzu’s On-demand DR in the Cloud if you have critical IT workloads that can’t go down.
Dedicated Disaster Recovery Data Center
Our Dedicated Disaster Recovery Data Center solution replicates your entire environment – servers, applications and data – in real-time at our data center facility. Failover to this “hot site” happens in real time in the event of a disaster. Dedicated DR Data Center is ideal if you need 100% uptime for your IT infrastructure.
- 100% offsite failover data center
- Uses a direct connection or encrypted tunnel to extend your infrastructure into our data center
- BGP network synchronization
- Real-time data synchronization
- Real-time load balancing
- Real-time failover
Choose Enzu’s Dedicated DR Data Center if all your systems need to work no matter what.
Choose Enzu’s Dedicated DR Data Center if all your systems need to work no matter what.

Why Choose Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)?
Having a game plan to address unplanned disruptions such as data breaches and cyberattacks is table stakes. You must also account for planned disruptions that occur as your business grows. Learn why disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) is a cost-effective way to ensure uninterrupted computing.
Plan for the Unexpected
Consult with our DR specialists today.